Toews Strategies Defensive through most of 4th Quarter
Read moreI spoke at a client event in Grand Rapids, Michigan in November, about a month after the recent downturn began to accelerate. After the meeting, when talking with clients, a number of them shared with me their vulnerability to market declines, and how important it was to try to avoid any significant losses. When markets turn lower, investors may wonder
US Joins Global Equities in Downturn
Read moreThroughout much of the third quarter global equities declined in unison with one exception: U.S Stocks. For the week of October 10, US equities joined in to show losses across virtually every sector. Through October 15, European stocks were down down 4.9% for the year. Japan had lost .6%, with China and the broader emerging markets index down 20% and
Advisors Capitulate in the Face of Rising Markets
Read moreIn 1999, after one of the biggest bull markets of the century, advisors seemingly abandoned caution. Despite their stratospheric valuations, assets flowed into growth and technology stocks and out of risk-managed and value funds. Investors who earned only 20% likely complained wildly to their advisors that they had only captured a fraction of the Nasdaq Composite return which gained over
Toews Seeks Finance Sales And Marketing Support
Read moreToews, an asset manager and leader in coaching financial advisors about behavioral finance, seeks full-time sales and marketing support in our New York City office. Our behavioral coaches lead workshops and coach advisors across the U.S. You’ll work closely with coaches on scheduling, follow-up, and marketing workshops. You’ll join the Toews team in our loft-like office near the Flatiron Building,
Toews Behavioral Portfolio Design Workshop Rolls into Bellevue, WA
Read moreIt was a beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest, Mount Rainier clear and imposing as advisors from as far away as Fairbanks, Alaska gathered for lunch and a presentation from Toews own Behavioral Economics Architect, Dan Kullman. Dan was in Bellevue, Washington, to present the latest Toews Behavioral Portfolio Design™ Workshop. Dan was clear that although Toews currently manages $1.8
Toews in Financial Advisor IQ: There’s No Taking Emotions Out of Money
Read morePhil Toews, CEO of Toews Corp, discusses the benefits of behavioral finance coaching for advisors in the Financial Advisor IQ story FAs Take Cues from Richard Thaler: There’s No Taking Emotions Out of Money. Excerpt from the story: In Toews’ view, getting his help and doing the work with clients now is less trouble than waiting for the next market
Managing Clients During Market Volatility
Read moreWhether the market correction was caused by fear of inflation or high interest rates, a program trading glitch, or mass psychology, clients who have a behavioral coach can take heart. This is precisely the sort of event that advisors steeped in behavioral finance can weather because they’re prepared. The 600+ advisors who have been through our Behavioral Portfolio Design™ workshops
Reverse-Think your Portfolio to Target Success in 2018
Read moreIn April of 2009, days from the bottom of the 2nd worst stock decline in the past 100 years, we wrote in this commentary that it was “a good time to invest in stocks due to their bargain prices.” The commentary went on to argue the case that stocks were poised to rally strongly ahead. I got a call from