Market Update 6/1/22
Read moreOur algos moved us into an invested position for our High Yield Bonds allocations across our models. We began scaling into these positions on Thursday and completed the trades yesterday near the close. All other assets remain in a defensive posture.
Inflation’s Corrosive Effect On Financial Asset Returns
Read moreBuilding portfolios with rising rate and inflation contingencies
Balanced Portfolios face Greatest Challenge in Decades
Read moreIn our quarterly market commentary, advisors are accustomed to seeing sometimes bleak assessments about future stock market growth.
Market Update 4/14/22
Read moreAfter being long US stocks for several weeks we began to move back defensive on Tuesday and finished moving defensive today at the market close.
Prepping for a Bear Market
Read moreCEO Phillip Toews discusses “completely new world for investors that they’re not used to” joined by Caroline Woods on Barron's “Market Brief."
Market Update 3/28/22
Read moreIn early to mid-January we exited US Stocks and High Yield Bonds, and later sold our International stock exposure. Those trades occurred during the early part of a downturn that saw the S&P move into correction territory, while the NASDAQ Composite index briefly moved into a bear market.
Read moreThe critical difference between GameStop and Amazon is that the GameStop rally was the equivalent of a retail investor Ponzi scheme.