
  • A Bubble that May Rival Tulip-Mania

    In Market Analysis on

    In my time as an investment manager, which now exceeds thirty years, I’ve witnessed two prior bubbles. In the late 1990’s the bubble was in internet and growth stocks, some which were priced at infinity times (negative) earnings. Prior to the financial crisis, real estate prices crescendoed to unrealistic levels. Each time, markets advanced into a “shared speculative hallucinationi” that

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  • Stocks Rally in the Face of a Mounting Pandemic

    In Market Analysis on

    For the year, the S&P 500 moved higher by 18.4%, a remarkable feat considering the elevated levels of unemployment, business bankruptcies, and disruption of the travel, hospitality, and entertainment industries. The year provided our investors an opportunity to see how Toews strategies functioned during a bear market, the first realized since the 2008 financial crisis1. In this commentary, I’ll discuss

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  • Markets Advance, but are Challenged During the Quarter

    In Market Analysis on

    The strong rally that began at the end of March continued through early September, and then turned lower as covid cases continued to escalate across the country, causing fears that the market rally had gotten too far ahead of itself. In the past couple weeks, however, stocks have moved higher once again. Our algorithms moved us into a defensive posture

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  • Toews Returns to Fully Invested Positions as Markets Rally

    In Market Analysis on

    After ending the last quarter in a fully defensive posture, Toews models began triggering buys as the markets rallied off of the lows of late March.  Between April 14 and April 17 we moved to a bullish posture in US Stocks and High Yield Bonds, and on May 26th we completed our move to bullish positions in International Stocks.  We’ve

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  • Phil Toews’ Appearance on Cheddar TV

    Note: Toews’ opinion regarding future GDP growth is not determinative.

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