

    Investing can be like walking through a dense forest with no map, and no ability to see the sun. Trees and landmarks, all that we can see, collectively obscure the path ahead. Only by ascending above the tree line can one get an understanding of the broader landscape. When investing, each factoid (unemployment, GDP, earnings, interest rates) provides what feels

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  • Environment Ripe for Market Rout Time Sensitive Opportunity to Attempt to De-Risk

    Losses have accelerated and broken through technical resistance, suggesting that the seasonably unfavorable months of September and October may delver a potentially large correction.  These losses are mounting at the same time that the FED is considering removing maximum accommodation. A key behavioral riddle to be understood is that the market doesn’t always correlate with the economy.  Last year, when

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  • Bubble and Market Crises

    Building Portfolios and Practice Communications to Address Market Bubble Crisis

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  • The history of inflation in the United States

    Inflation has dominated much of the financial news for the past quarter as it has perked up above 4% for the first time in years. This rise is accompanied by many typical attributes of inflationary periods such as supply shortages and surging commodity prices. It’s been a long time since we’ve had any meaningfully high inflation that investors may have

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  • Crypto World

    Our CEO Phillip Toews and President Eben Burr share their thoughts on the cryptocurrency craze and how advisors and investors can approach investing in this volatile market.

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  • Toews Inflation Video

    We believe there has been a rising unease surrounding inflation and the potential negative impact this could have on markets. Watch as CEO Phil Toews discusses his view on what is driving this inflation short term and long term with President Eben Burr. This video helps better understand how investors can position defensively.

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  • Boom-Boom Cycle

    We believe investors are now witnessing a new "boom-boom cycle". Watch as CEO Phil Toews and President Eben Burr discuss the elements that could indicate a looming market bubble. This video helps better understand how this may be creating risk in today’s markets and what advisors can do to try to prepare.

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  • A Bubble that May Rival Tulip-Mania

    In my time as an investment manager, which now exceeds thirty years, I’ve witnessed two prior bubbles. In the late 1990’s the bubble was in internet and growth stocks, some which were priced at infinity times (negative) earnings. Prior to the financial crisis, real estate prices crescendoed to unrealistic levels. Each time, markets advanced into a “shared speculative hallucinationi” that

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